Meetings Photos

January Meeting: What Not to Brew

It’s not often that the beer we sample at our homebrew club meetings doesn’t get completely drank. Of course, there is the occasional brewery that is anxious for us to taste samples of their latest attempt to dethrone Blue Moon. But, this is a little bit different. The purpose of this meeting was to intentionally […]


Oldest pub in England

From member Andy Schmitt, currently (or recently) traveling in England! The real question is.. did he bring any back for us??

Club News

PALE ALERs Featured in BYO Magazine

Aphrodisiac Valentine’s Beers Categories: (Beer Styles | Featured | Jan/Feb 2012) Author Richard Bolster Issue Jan/Feb 2012 Love is in the air in Princeton, New Jersey, or at least the stuff that inspires it. The Princeton And Local Environs Ale And Lager Enthusiasts Society (PALEALES) homebrew club gathered recently for their annual club-only homebrew competition, […]

Meetings Photos

GuinnessLESS Meeting

You never know when things are going to go completely pare shaped on you. However, I think we managed to pull off an informative and fun evening despite a “no show” from our scheduled sales rep from Guinness.Luckily, the rep wasn’t bringing the beer! Instead, our host Ed Goracy of Hub City pulled some cases […]


AHA Dark Lager Competition

Just in case someone is sitting on a couple of bottles of dark lager…   Hail to Hefeweizen Club-Only Competition Results are In Who says that Hefeweizen has to be a summer beer style? This third Club-Only Competition saw 60 entries from 29 states competing in BJCP category 15. Thanks to competition organizer Brian Steuerwald […]


The Monster Mash 2: Field of Hops

The historic porter group brew in Piscataway had it all – some 9am Pilsners, a stuck mash, and suspicious neighbors doing slow drivebys all day long! Piscataway had never seen the likes of it. Due to a supply chain issue, the brewing didn’t get started right away (hence the 9am pilsners). But once we got […]


The Monster Mash was a Brewyard Smash!

And by “brewyard” I mean the parking lot at Princeton Homebrew where 7 of us did a single mash to produce some 42 gallons of wort. If you have been by Princeton Homebrew lately, you’ve probably laid eyes on the Monster Mash Tun. Its a 60-gallon, stainless steel homebrewers dream. The only problem is that […]

Meetings Photos

Ithaca Raises the Bar at the Firkin

Wow, what a meeting! Brewery Rep Extraordinaire, Eric VanZile took us through a series of beers that ticked all the boxes — a session wheat beer, some gigantically hoppy brews and even a 2-year old Belgian quad. Eric’s been at Ithaca for seven years and seems to have had his hands in every aspect of […]

Meetings Photos

Visit to Harvest Moon Brewery ON the Harvest Moon

Yes, that’s right — the PALE ALES were at the Harvest Moon Brewery on the actual Harvest Moon of 2011. And what a night it was. For those of you that may have skipped this meeting because you hadn’t been impressed with HM’s selections of the past — its time to give them another try. […]


Philly Pub Crawl this Saturday!!

We’re starting at Monks and wrapping up at the new Frankford Beer Garden. Check out the calendar page for all the details. And for the love of God, start exercising your liver! Here’s a map of the adventure: View 2011 PALE ALES Philly Pub Crawl in a larger map