On Saturday October 27th, a few choice PALE ALEs members ventured out to the Keystone Homebrew supply for a brew day. The purpose? To brew an entry for the Keystone Homebrew Club Barrel Brew Championship! Keystone Homebrew supply was nice enough to allow clubs entering a choice of a freshly used whiskey or applejack barrel for aging beer. The finished beers will be judged as an AHA club night event! The brewday took on the feel of the big brew with more than usual going on. Brewers from NJ and PA brought loads of equipment and brewed to fill the ~50 gallon barrels. Iron Abbey brought in plenty of Brazilian style bbq, Free Will brewing had a few firkins, and lots of homebrew clubs were on hand to talk shop with!
Early feedback from many brewers indicate this will be a pretty tough competition!
There were also some fermentation incidents… but I’d rather call it plenty of healthy yeast!