Meetings Photos

June Meeting Recap: We All Had a Golden Ticket

Ed “Willie Wonka” Goracy of Hub City was an amazing host last night. Not only did we get to tour one of the largest beer warehouses in the State (Great Wall of Coors by Kate), but we got to try some really special beers. I was incorrect in my email yesterday about which “deconstruction” beer we were tasting. Turns out Sam Adams released an entire series called Deconstructed. Its is basically the Latitude 48 IPA recipe brewed with different hops resulting in six entirely different tasting beers — one hop in each beer. It was a great way to isolate the different hop varieties! When a guy that runs a warehouse with 18 tractor trailer deliveries a day tells you that you got the last case, you know you got something very special. Thanks, Ed! And the Longshot series was really good too. Well, the lavender beer got a few grimaces from the rooom, but the belgian style IPA and blackened hop beers were both crowd pleasers. Definitely worth trying to find a sixpack if you didn’t join us last night. In total, I think we had about 35 folks in attendance with at least 5 first-timers.

Thanks, Dawn for all that great pics!